Press releases 15 April 2020, 16:22

AS Monaco is mobilizing against Covid-19

AS Monaco is mobilizing against Covid-19
While efforts of unity and solidarity remain more than ever necessary in the face of the health crisis, AS Monaco is mobilizing to support those who are working on a daily basis to deal with Covid-19.

First of all, the Club as a whole is giving its full support to those who are taking action, every day and for several weeks now, to limit the impact of this crisis.

In order to participate in the fight against Covid-19, AS Monacoeur, AS Monaco’s charity program, is providing financial support to the Monegasque Red Cross by launching a collection of donations online. This fundraising campaign, which is being passed on to the whole AS Monaco community, has been started with an initial donation of €50,000 from the Club.

The funds collected will be used to support the Monegasque Red Cross’s projects :

– the actions being done on a daily basis by its employees and volunteers: call centre, supplying masks and logistical support for vulnerable people: supplies, deliveries of medicines etc.

– assistance to its International counterparts.

To donate to the Monegasque Red Cross, go to


At the same time and in order to help the Princess Grace Hospital Centre, the Club, which has offered to make its facilities at La Turbie training centre and the Academy accommodation centre (Jean-Jaurès centre) available, is also committed to blood donation.

In this context of this health crisis and in the face of ever-growing needs, citizens have been authorized to travel to donate blood in collection centres, including the CHPG Blood Transfusion Centre in Monaco.

The establishments still have as many needs as ever and it seems natural to us to pass on this message to help as much as we can during this health crisis. During the period of confinement, it is possible to travel to give blood, particularly to the specialized centre at the CHPG, where things have been set up for this purpose.
Lluis Til-PérezAS Monaco's Chief Medical Officer
In this period of general mobilization against Covid-19, it is important to show solidarity and for AS Monaco to be able to make itself useful through these initiatives. Many people are on the front line every day in dealing with the crisis, including hospital staff and Red Cross volunteers, and I wish, on behalf of the whole Club, to pay them all the tribute they deserve.
Oleg PetrovVice President and General Manager Oleg Petrov


If you wish to donate your blood to the Blood Transfusion Center of the Princess Grace Hospital Center, find all the information here :

To donate in France, go to an EFS collection site. All information :