Club 05 September 2022, 16:45

Letter from Dmitry Rybolovlev to the AS Monaco family

Letter from Dmitry Rybolovlev to the AS Monaco family
As the Club enters a new stage of its development with the inauguration of the new Performance Center, President Dmitry Rybolovlev wanted to address all members of the AS Monaco family.

“The launch of AS MONACO’s new Performance Center is a very important and historic moment for our Club.

It was a major project, that was both difficult and ambitious, and which took a long time to complete. We started discussing the idea of a new training center ten years ago. Since the start of construction in the summer of 2018, through the completion of the building in June 2021, to the opening of the whole complex today, four years have passed. The new facility allows AS MONACO to offer its current professionals and, in the future, the next generation of players, the opportunity to train in optimal conditions.

I am certain that these new facilities designed for our athletes will contribute to the success of our team on the pitch. When creating this unique center, we took into account all relevant best practices, allowing the complex to meet the highest standards across sporting, technical and medical criteria. Our professionals now have state-of-the-art training and recovery facilities.

I would like to give sincere thanks to all those who have worked to make this incredible project a reality:
– His Serene Highness Prince Albert-II of Monaco for his unwavering support, his dedication to the Club and his true love for the sport;
– Mr Jean-Jacques Raffaele, the Mayor of La Turbie, for his precious help throughout the work;
– His Excellency Mr Pierre Dartout, Minister of State, together with the Government of Monaco, for their support and cooperation in this project and in many other important operations for our Club;
– Mr Frédéric Genin and the ARCH Monaco architectural agency for the design of the building and their close collaboration with our teams;
– All the companies that worked on the site, in particular Vinci, Crudelli, Graniou, HEE and Garelli;
– AS MONACO’s operations department, which managed the project, as well as all the Club’s departments and staff who contributed to this project.

AS MONACO, which will soon be celebrating its 100th anniversary, is a historic club, one of the most successful in the French championship. Since I became President of the Club 10 years ago, I have felt both pride and a great responsibility. We have always been committed to enabling the Club to continue to develop and achieve results that match its ambitions. Through the construction of this new Performance Center, we remain on track to maintain AS MONACO’s place among the best teams in the French league and to enable it to shine on the European stage.

Daghe Munegu!”