Team 18 March 2020, 15:22

Training at home, instructions for use

Training at home, instructions for use
Following the suspension of training, the players went to La Turbie, the training center on Monday, where they were given an individual training schedule to continue working and to be ready while dealing with the virus. The physical trainer Juanjo Del Ojo and Doctor Lluis Til-Pérez explained the principles that used to implement this.

The entire AS Monaco professional squad stopped at the training center, La Turbie, on Monday. Throughout the day, players collected their training schedules, carefully prepared by the team’s technical and medical staff for the coming weeks.

They also took the opportunity to bring home equipment: bikes, kettlebells, devices to measure their heart rate, and an application that tracks the content of training sessions. “We have provided all of the players with equipment to meet their needs. Many players have taken bikes and machines from the training Center to be able to work at home, ” explained physical trainer Juanjo Del Ojo.


Each player received a different kit depending on their needs.
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In order to work on  physical fitness while promoting a level of uniformity, which is essential, the staff also worked on the format of the sessions offered: “We worked on the form of challenges. Each day, work is associated with a goal and each goal achieved earns points. The players are motivated because they want to win, it’s a good formula to maintain their conditioning. The players have reacted very well. ”

If the technical staff had to adapt to the situation by establishing these individualized training programs, the medical staff also had to respond to the health situation. Doctor Lluis Til-Pérez recapped  the past few days and explained how it works on a daily basis.


At first, we gave the instructions and that which was necessary to the players so that they protect themselves. An expert in epidemiology also came to meet the team to inform them about the coronavirus and answer questions from everyone.
Since Monday and having been placed in confinement, we continue to be in contact with the players every day, to ensure that everything is fine and to be able to act in the event of a special case arising. They also have an individualized nutritional program available.
Lluis Til-PérezChief physician

Juanjo Del Oro talks about the content of the sessions:

There are three main blocks: cardio, preventative work, and strength. This part is important to allow players to lose as little muscle tone as possible in order to return to collective training. Every day we send out videos with new exercises and examples of successful performance. With the current difficult context, we must also ensure that the exercises are easy to implement.
Juanjo Del OjoPhysical trainer

Beyond the physical work itself, Juanjo Del Ojo and all of the staff of AS Monaco remain available to players during this period:

For me, the most important thing is to have the players active, respecting the constraints imposed by the govenrment of course. The players are very professional and have quickly understood the requirements. We are also vigilant about how they are managing the situation. It is for this reason that Marc (our psychologist) is in contact with the players to meet their needs. It's a unique moment. Obviously we would prefer to be all together at La Turbie, in our facilities. It’s a challenge that we will have to adapt to, but I’m happy with the momentum that we have created and the involvement of all the players and club staff. Everyone is helping to minimize the effects of this situation.
Juanjo Del OjoPhysical trainer

The Monaco players in training: