Supporters 13 January 2022, 15:00

All you need to know before the $ASM Fan Token goes on sale!

All you need to know before the $ASM Fan Token goes on sale!
On January 18 at 1:00 p.m. (CET), the AS Monaco Fan TokenTM $ASM will go on sale at a fixed price for a fixed period. Here is everything you need to know about this unique opportunity, before you jump into the deep end.

On January 18 at 1:00 p.m. (CET), the AS Monaco Fan TokenTM $ASM will go on sale at a fixed price for a fixed period. Here is everything you need to know about this unique opportunity, before you jump in with both feet. On November 24, AS Monaco announced the impending arrival of its Fan Token™ on What was once but an idea will soon become reality. On January 18 at 1:00 p.m., the Club du Rocher will officially put on sale, at a fixed price, this Fan Token ™ $ ASM, which will allow you to have an impact on certain decisions. So if you want to participate in this new collaborative adventure, here is everything you need to know to fully understand how it works.

What is Socios? is the official app of Fan Token™. It gives AS Monaco fans worldwide access to a platform to influence and engage with the Club like never before. The Fan Token™  $ASM will be accessible to everyone so that every Monegasque supporter can make their voice heard and show their passion.

What is $ASM?

$ASM is the name of AS Monaco’s only official Fan Token™. The Fan Token™ is a digital asset that never expires, and gives you the right to vote on certain official Club decisions, as well as unprecedented access to your team and to have incredible, never-before-seen experiences.

Decisions made by AS Monaco’s fans

AS Monaco will therefore use the app as a platform for Fan Tokens™ holders to participate in certain choices made by the club by giving them decision-making power. In the past, Fan Tokens™ holders at other clubs have been able to vote on topics such as the design of a jersey or the way that the team bus is dressed, the team slogan, and even the starting XI.

What are the ways to vote?

You can only vote once on each topic, but the weight of your vote depends on the number of Fan Tokens™ you have. For example, if you have 10 Fan Tokens™, your vote will count for 10. The possibility of participating in different votes is subject, for each of them, to a potential minimum number of Fan Tokens ™, as determined by the Club.

AS Monaco rewards

You can earn rewards by taking part in the decisions of the Club, and also by participating in quizzes and games. Among these rewards: attending a match with a Club Legend, traveling with the team on a trip, or even benefiting from VIP access to AS Monaco home matches… There really is no limit to the rewards on offer!

$ASM for life

Like your passion for the Club, Fan Tokens™ are forever. Once acquired, they are forever yours. Even after many votes and awards, you will keep your AS Monaco Fan Tokens™. There is no need to subscribe again after a week, a month or a year.

How much does an AS Monaco Fan Token cost?

On, there are two distinct periods of Fan Token™ sales: first comes the “FTO – Fan Token ™ Offering”, then the “listing”. FTOTM is the period during which a limited number of $ASM Fan Tokens ™ will be available, at a fixed price of €2. Then, the $ASM Fan Token™ will be listed and become tradable, its price therefore becoming determined by supply and demand.

How many AS Monaco Fan Tokens™ do I need?

You can begin to influence the life of the Club, and earn rewards with just one AS Monaco Fan Token™. However, some unique votes and rewards may require you to have more than one Fan Token in order to participate.

When will the $ASM Fan Tokens be available?

The $ASM Fan Token™ will go on sale on January 18 on the app.

The 1st wave will take place from Tuesday January 18 (1PM CET) to January 21 (12:59PM CET) : then, a maximum of 5 Fan Token™ can be bought.
The 2nd wave will take place on January 21st from 1PM (CET) to 2:59PM (CET): Then, a maximum of 15 Fan Token™ can be bought.
The 3rd wave will take place from January 21st 3PM (CET) to January 22nd 3PM (CET) : Then, a maximum of 30 Fan Token™ can be bought.

How can I buy an $ASM Fan Token™?

You can purchase the $ASM Fan Token™ directly from the app, using $CHZ, the app’s own cryptocurrency. First, you buy $CHZ, then you can simply exchange them for $ASM Fan Tokens™. You can buy $CHZ using your credit or debit card, as easily as when you make any purchase on the Internet.

* Note that AS Monaco season ticket holders will receive a free, non-exchangeable $ASM Fan Token.

How can I sign up for the Socios app?

  • Download the app on Apple Store or Play Store
  • Register with your telephone number
  • Enter the SMS code
  • Create your username
  • Enter your email address
  • Bravo, you are a user!

How can I buy $CHZ?

  • Go to the homepage of the app
  • Click on “$CHZ”
  • Type in the amount of $CHZ you want to purchase
  • Pick your preferred method of payment
  • Enter your bank card details
  • Congratulations, you just bought your first $CHZ!


How can I get an $ASM Token?

  • Click on “Marketplace”
  • Select ASM/CHZ
  • Click on “Buy”
  • Choose the number of Fan Tokens™ that you wish to purchase
  • Click on “Buy ASM”
  • Well done, your $CHZ has now been transformed into $ASM Fan Tokens™.  Now you can start casting your votes and accessing the different rewards and experiences offered by AS Monaco.

* Fan Tokens™ are not a financial currency; they represent a means by which you can access certain advantages. This information should not be construed as investment advice or as a recommendation to purchase Fan Tokens™. All participants must be able to bear the risk of loss associated with the purchase and/or exchange of Fan Tokens™.