Interview 19 May 2023, 20:30

Bernardo Silva, playing in Europe, Ranieri, 2017… Our interview with Ricardo Carvalho

Bernardo Silva, playing in Europe, Ranieri, 2017… Our interview with Ricardo Carvalho
Present last Sunday at the Stade Louis-II to attend the big match between AS Monaco and Lille (0-0), the former Rouge et Blanc defender - who celebrated his 45th birthday Thursday -, took the opportunity to discuss his best memories of his time the Principality.

He left an indelible mark in the memory of AS Monaco supporters. However, the supporters of the Principality club may still resent him for having prevented Didier Deschamps‘ side from winning that most prestigious of European competitions.

Happy Birthday Ricky! 🎂

But it is with the professionalism and benevolence that characterize him that Ricardo Carvalho as he enabled the Club to regain its former glory from 2013. In the stands at the Stade Louis-II for the clash against LOSC last Sunday (0-0), the former Portuguese defender, who turned 45 on Thursday, May 18, took the opportunity to talk about his time in the Principality. Here’s the complete interview. 🎙

Hello Ricardo. First of all, we imagine that it’s always special for you to come back to the Stade Louis-II…

Of course ! It’s always a pleasure, because AS Monaco has been an important club for me. It’s really very special, so when I have the opportunity, I take the opportunity to come back here. Above all, I have very good memories that come to mind, and that’s why I like being at the Stade Louis-II.

Pourtant votre histoire avec les supporters du Club n’a pas bien commencé (référence à la finale de Ligue des Champions 2004)…

(Sourire) C’est le destin je dirais ! A l’époque c’était très important pour le FC Porto et pour moi de se retrouver en finale de cette compétition. C’était aussi une très belle opportunité pour l’AS Monaco de remporter ce trophée. Mais avec le recul je pense que notre victoire était méritée, sans faire offense à ce magnifique club.

Honnêtement avec le recul, je donne tout le crédit au coach. Il a bien su gérer l’équipe, même si ce n’était pas facile la première année. Mais on a réussi à finir à la deuxième place en Ligue 1 et à qualifier l’AS Monaco pour la Ligue des Champions. C’est juste dommage qu’il soit parti, car il méritait de continuer son parcours ici.
Ricardo CarvalhoA propos de Claudio Ranieri

D’ailleurs il ne doit pas rougir de son incroyable parcours cette année-là. Aller au bout, c’était top ! Et puis neuf ans après, je suis venu jouer ici. Même si j’étais déjà âgé, je me sentais bien et j’étais persuadé que je pouvais aider le Club à progresser et à grandir dans le championnat.

Une histoire qui devait durer un an, et qui s’est finalement prolongée !

(Il sourit) Oui c’était imprévu, puisque quand j’arrive j’ai déjà 35 ans, et je signe seulement pour une année. Mais je me sentais en forme encore une fois, et je pensais pouvoir apporter à l’équipe, au Club. Donc j’ai continué l’aventure, ça a duré trois ans finalement et c’était parfait ! Je me souviens que je jouais presque tout le temps, et c’était vraiment important pour moi de sentir que je pouvais aider l’AS Monaco à progresser.

Parlez-nous de Claudio Ranieri, qui vous fait venir en Principauté à ce moment-là.

A l’époque, Claudio avait tout fait pour ramener le Club en Ligue 1. Nous sommes arrivés à plusieurs, avec des jeunes joueurs comme des éléments plus expérimentés comme moi, Eric Abidal et Jérémy Toulalan. Le Président avait aussi beaucoup investi pour faire venir João Moutinho, James Rodriguez et Radamel Falcao, qui était la star !

Pour grandir, il faut avant tout gagner des matchs, et c’est ce que nous avons commencé à faire en 2013. Nous avons toujours été sur le podium à cette période-là, en terminant deuxièmes ou troisièmes. C’était important, car nous avions une très bonne équipe et notamment de jeunes talents.
Ricardo CarvalhoSur la saison 2013-2014

Honnêtement avec le recul, je donne tout le crédit au coach. Il a bien su gérer l’équipe, même si ce n’était pas facile la première année. Mais on a réussi à finir à la deuxième place en Ligue 1 et à qualifier l’AS Monaco pour la Ligue des Champions. C’est juste dommage qu’il soit parti, car il méritait de continuer son parcours ici.

Vous avez connu de sacrés joueurs durant votre passage, en plus de cette génération 2017 qui émergeait…

C’est vrai ! Pour grandir, il faut avant tout gagner des matchs, et c’est ce que nous avons commencé à faire en 2013. Nous avons toujours été sur le podium à cette période-là, en terminant deuxièmes ou troisièmes. C’était important, car nous avions une très bonne équipe et notamment de jeunes talents. Je me souviens de Yannick Carrasco, de Lucas Ocampos, de James Rodriguez.

Maintenant beaucoup d’entre eux sont dans des tops clubs en Europe, comme Bernardo Silva, qui est aujourd’hui un des meilleurs joueurs du monde. Kylian Mbappé également, qui a commencé à jouer avec nous et qui était une grosse surprise. Un phénomène !
Ricardo CarvalhoSur les jeunes talents passés par la Principauté

Ensuite Tiémoué Bakayoko est arrivé, de même que Fabinho et Thomas Lemar. C’était top ! On a grandi comme équipe, mais c’était vraiment important de gagner pour faire progresser ce groupe. Et c’était notre rôle en tant que joueurs plus âgés, d’accompagner l’équipe vers le succès.

Jusqu’à connaître une première épopée européenne en 2015, avec là encore une jeune génération !

C’est le foot ! On avait envie de montrer qu’on avait de bons joueurs, capables de faire tomber de grosses équipes comme on l’a fait avec Arsenal. Nous n’avions pas mis de limites dans ce groupe ! C’était important de montrer qu’on avait la capacité de faire tomber les Gunners. Et deux ans après, l’équipe a continué à grandir et on a gagné la Ligue 1. C’était crucial pour le Club.

Are you aware of the role you played in putting back AS Monaco in its proper place?

(Smile) Of course, but I just did my job with my teammates. I can’t forget other older players who had who allowed me to do this when the roles were reversed. We tried to give advice to young players by explaining to them not to set limits, and to continue to grow.

And now many of them are in top clubs in Europe, like Bernardo Silva, who is now one of the best players in the world. Kylian Mbappé also, who started playing with us and who was a big surprise. A real phenomenon! Even today the team does not stop progressing. It is incredible and it is a source of pride for me to have participated in this work.

I also remember that we lost on penalties here but that was in the Coupe de la Ligue (in 2014-2015 against Bastia, 0-0, 6-7 on penalties, editor's note). It seems to me that João Moutinho and Bernardo Silva missed their attempts. We laughed in the locker room because I said it was the Portuguese who had prevented us from going through (laughs).
Ricardo CarvalhoOn penalty shootouts

If you had one memory to remember from these three years here, which one would you choose?

The first year really was the most important! We started the project when Paris Saint-Germain were almost untouchable. Despite everything, we drew at the Parc des Princes, to show that we could compete with this team. It was an auspicious sign! This year was really pivotal for the Club, as we took the second qualifying place for the Champions League.

Is the only regret of this season not to have gone for the Coupe de France?

Yes it is certain. I also remember that we lost on penalties here but that was in the Coupe de la Ligue (in 2014-2015 against Bastia, 0-0, 6-7 on penalties, editor’s note). It seems to me that João Moutinho and Bernardo Silva missed their attempts. We laughed in the locker room because I said it was the Portuguese who had prevented us from going through (laughs).

But for the Club in the end, it is true that winning a trophy remains a part of our history, it is different. The road to success is long, and I am happy to have participated in this journey. I celebrated the title of champion in 2017 as if it was me who had won Ligue 1 (smiles)!

Did you follow the exploits of your former teammates?

Yes, I was happy, I remember it very well because it was my last year and I went to China top play in Shanghai. I watched the last five games with incredible stress to follow the score and the results. It was phenomenal! I was really very happy, even though I know it wasn’t  mine (laughs).

He came from the Benfica reserves, and we talked about it between us, because there were already a lot of Portuguese speakers with Brazilians like Fabinho, Wallace… We said: "Another player who speaks Portuguese!"
Ricardo CarvalhoAbout Bernardo Silva

But that’s normal, I have maintained very good relations with the Club, which has always treated me well! I really felt at home here and by the way I bought a house (laughs)! I like living here, and AS Monaco is really special for me.

If you had to pick out a player with whom you played here, who would it be?

I am thinking of two or three to be honest. At the time, Bernardo Silva was a surprise, because I’m Portuguese but I didn’t know him! He came from the Benfica reserves, and we talked about it between us, because there were already a lot of Portuguese speakers with Brazilians like Fabinho, Wallace… We said: “Another player who speaks Portuguese!” When we saw him on the pitch, we understood that he was a phenomenon. The way he can control the ball, even a bad one, as it sticks to his foot! He was amazing.

Then there is Thomas Lemar, because he had an eye for making the right pass, and a sense of rhythm. He was very competitive. And Fabinho! Because he grew a lot when he changed positions, to play in midfield. In defense he was good with us, but as a number six he progressed very quickly as a player.

There are always supporters who are very passionate, especially on the road! We always felt the support of the fans, everywhere in France. So people really need to come in droves to the Louis-II Stadium too, this is essential!
Ricardo CarvalhoOn the Monégasque supporters

Another one?

How did I not mention Falcao? He was truly a goal-obsessed striker. It’s a shame that he had that serious injury the first year in the Coupe de France against an amateur team. He was a top player like no one else, and he was a top striker! But if I had to choose just one, I would still say Bernardo Silva.

Do you have a little message for the Monegasque supporters who have kept you in their hearts?

What is important for me is to see that as for the city itself, people like to come here. There is still a long way to go to fill the Stade Louis-II, because it is important for the players and the President to see that fans like to come here. There are always supporters who are very passionate, especially on the road! We always felt the support of the fans, everywhere in France. So people really need to come in droves to the Louis-II Stadium too, this is essential!

A final word on your role in the Portugal team…

It’s true, I started this mission in March. I was invited by the new coach Roberto Martinez to be part of the staff. I work more with the defenders and the tactical aspects on a defensive level for Portugal. I am here to help, and it is a pride to do so for my country.